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Website Development Glossary

Anchor - A link within the text of a web page that points to another spot on the same web page.

Body - The main element of the coding of a website, that contains all of the items that a visitor to the website sees.

Black Hat Marketing - The unethical use of search phrases not associated with the website itself to draw traffic to a website; An example of Black Hat Marketing would be saturating a website with the name of, phrases from and titles of songs from a popular singer when a website's topic is something unrelated to that artist or their songs like plumbing supplies.

Cell - As part of a table, a cell is a single block of a table; the exact intersection of one row and one column.

Clip Art - Photographs, illustrations and other pre-made graphics that may or may not require a royalty charge. These are commonly used to give aesthetic appeal to a web page.

Domain Name - The name a person enters into their web browser to "call" a website; typically written

Domain Name Service - DNS is the service that tells everyone on what server your website is located. Without the DNS, when someone entered your domain name into a web browser, the web browser wouldn't know where to look for your webstie; it's like trying to call someone on the phone without a phone number, and an unlisted number.

Dynamic HTML - Coding for a web page that allows the addition of simple animation such as highlighted buttons, independant from "plug-ins" for a web browser.

Home Page - The main page of a website; As a standard, the home page has the file name "index". Web browsers will look for the index page when loading a website.

Host - The Server that contains the files for a website. The host will typically also allow access to SMTP (Mail), and FTP (File Transfer) for the authorized users of the website.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) - While HTML is the base code for websites, it is not a programming language. More complex websites use special tags within the HTML to reference true computer programs to increase the usefullness or appeal of a website. HTML is the code that sets the layout of the information containted within the website.

Icon - An image used to represent an object such as a file, or a submit button. The use of icons can make an item easier to select for a user.

Internet - "Internet" is the term used to describe the network of computers that are all connected via phone lines, satellite, etc., that provides users with access to websites, information, e-mail, etc.

ISP (Internet Service Porvider) - A company that provides access to the internet via their phone lines, satellite, etc.

JavaScript - A programming or "scripting" language that gives an additional method for providing animation or dynamic effects on a website.

Search Engine - A website that uses a web based program to search the internet for websites that contain a key term or phrase; GOOGLE is currently the most popular Search Engine.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization: The art and science of optimizing the code of a website to make it more visible to search engines.

Web Browser - The program a person uses to "call" websites; Internet Explorer is currently the most popular Web Browser.